Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 3 - Arrival at Diné College

After meeting the rest of the WSU group at the Albuquerque airport, our caravan of four vehicles drove four hours to Tsaile, Arizona, home of Diné College - The Tribal College of the Navajo Nation.

We enjoyed a Welcome Dinner including Navajo Tacos, Fry Bread, corn-on-the-cob, salad, watermelon, etc. Miss Diné College, Sharon Richards, gave a prayer for safety and productive, respectful work. WSU President Judith Ramaley described her history of working with Tribal Colleges in general, and specifically Diné College while she was with the National Science Foundation. She also shared some heart-felt comments about her commitment to this collaborative program between the two institutions.

Four of the five Navajo elders who will be oral history subjects were present, and each gave a short introduction of themselves and their lives. (I didn't take photos during the dinner out of respect for the importance of the occasion.) 

Following the dinner, students finished settling into their dorm rooms and began getting comfortable with the surroundings.

Here's a selection of candid photos from today:

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